Sunday, December 6, 2009

Google Mobile Internet Device Proposal

Learning Theory Defined
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a method of teaching that helps students to think in collaborative ways in order to solve a problem. The theory behind PBL is that students are more likely to learn new information when faced with a real world problem. Instead of being taught information directly from the teacher, students are able to collaborate in order to develop a solution for a given problem. The role of the teacher in PBL is to help students reach conclusions about selected topics relating to the problem at hand. Teachers guide students to use higher-order thinking in order to help them develop a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts being taught.

The first step to PBL is always to pose a problem to students. Teachers can use a variety of methods in order to develop a problem such as case studies, surveys, project goals, and inquiry-based questions. Once the problem is revealed, students begin a search for solutions using guided and independent research, collaboration, and application of new information.

One of the major components of PBL is that students need to be responsible for their learning. In order for students to be responsible learners, they must be motivated to develop a solution. PBL is naturally motivating because it is able to provide students with real world problems and enforce an expectation of a student-developed solution. PBL also encourages students to research and explore all content areas in order to develop the best solution to the problem. Standard lecture approaches often limit students to one discipline area and destabilize broad, higher-order concepts. In order for students to work successfully through PBL, they must be guided by a “tutor.” Although the classroom teacher typically acts as the tutor, the role they have in the class is to facilitate student thought, understanding, and application of new concepts. For example, while a group of students are connecting their prior knowledge to new information discovered, a tutor may ask essential questions that encourage students to reflect on their progress as well as develop alternate understandings of possible solutions.

Assessments are given when students have developed a solution to the problem. However, students will typically assess their own learning as well as the learning of peers in their group. Students also develop an analysis of the learning that took place from the time that the problem was given to the development of a solution. Most importantly, students assess how the learning process was successful or unsuccessful during the unit. Students use these assessments in order to develop more successful ways of collaborating, researching, and using higher-order thinking for when they are faced with a new problem in the future.

Connection to Technology
PBL has a strong connection to technology because in order for students to be able to access, compare, share, and finalize their solution, the need for the most up-to-date resources is critical. In the first steps of Problem Based Learning, students need to research information related to a topic. The internet gives students the ability to find recent information as well as current thoughts and uses surrounding any given topic. PBL also encourages collaboration which can be experienced through social networking tools. Social networking encourages users to share information, videos, pictures, and personal opinions with others. The final solution to any PBL activity must be presented in a way that is valuable to others. Technology gives students the ability to create versatile presentations. The solution to the PBL problem can be in the form of a blog, website, online presentation, podcast, etc. Overall, students are able to collaborate and utilize higher order thinking when developing a solution with technology.

Theory Sources
Barrett, T. (2005). Understanding problem-based learning. Retrieved December 1, 2009, from

De Gallow. (n.d.). What is problem-based learning? Retrieved December 1, 2009, from

Savery, John R. (2006). Overview of Problem-based Learning: Definitions and Distinctions. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 1, 9-20.

Learning Outcomes
Recently, there have been many opinions based around collaborative writing in the classroom. For centuries, people have considered writing a personal endeavor, something that came from the soul and was transformed into words on paper. However, in recent years, some writers have ventured out to work with others in order to create pieces that are written by multiple people. Jack Collom, an American Poet, was one of the first writers to experiment with collaborative writing with people in public. In 2006 he spent the summer at the Downtown Boulder Mall with a sign that read, “Original Poetry and Collaborations.” People would stroll over and write poetry with Collom in between shopping excursions. He later published his experiences in a book, “In the Wind” which is a series of collaborative poetic vignettes written by those who stopped and wrote with Collom. In the classroom, many English teachers are reluctant to have students write collaboratively because it becomes difficult to assess. Teachers also fear that group writing will lead to disruptive behaviors in the classroom. However, the rewards of collaborative writing outweigh any negatives because it gives students the ability to really grow as writers.

The use of mobile internet devices will give students the ability to develop a type of documentary about writing collaboratively with people in public. The activity will be a year-long process for students to document their growth as writers. The goal is for students to prove the influences that collaborative writing has on their own writing ability. At the beginning of the year, students will be introduced to the problem.

Problem – Our class has been asked to take part in a study about collaborative writing. Some people believe that writing is something that is personal and done independently. However, recently, some writers have ventured out and written with other people in the world. Throughout the year, you need to document your experiences with collaborative writing outside of the classroom. By using a mobile internet device, you will be able to take pictures and video of your collaboration as well as post writing pieces you have created throughout the year with others. You will also have the opportunity to write with others and discuss your findings through social networking. Your documentation ultimately needs to accept or reject collaborative writing as beneficial to writers by analyzing what you learn as a writer during the process.

Objectives: Students will be able to…
• Utilize a mobile internet device in order to develop a comprehensive documentary of their findings regarding collaborative writing in the community
• Effectively use collaborative writing activities learned in the classroom with individuals in the community
• Analyze the progress of their own writing by recording and reflecting upon experiences with collaborative writing
• Communicate and share collaborative writing experiences with others who are experimenting with it

Connection to Technology
The entire collaborative writing year-long activity will utilize multiple technology tools in order for students to achieve the objectives of the project. Initially, students will need to research collaborative writing and the views that people have regarding its effectiveness. However, students will also be exposed to collaborative writing in the classroom and be able to take their knowledge out into the world of writing. For each collaborative writing session students have, they will need to document everything by using their mobile internet device. For example, after learning about writing an “Exquisite Corpse” in class, students will need to experiment with this type of writing outside of the classroom. One student might sit in the library and ask passerby’s to write poetry with them. Students could use their MID to take pictures or video of the library and of the writing sessions they have with others. Students will then post information about their experience along with any writing they did to a blog. Once students have shared all of their experiences, they will discuss their thoughts through a social bookmarking page. The final documentation of the collaborative writing results could be presented through a podcast, website, online presentation, etc. Students can also keep track of where they are collaborating by utilizing the GPS. When communicating, students may find that they have a better response in one area of the community and not in another by using this feature.

Outcomes without Technology
Without technology, students could complete this project by writing down their thoughts, findings, and writing on paper. Throughout the year, the teacher would need to devote a lot of class time for students to share their findings with each other. Students would not be able to take videos or pictures of their experiences. When students discussed their collaborative writing with peers, students would not be able to read each other’s writing. The project would basically be a written documentation of collaborative writing in the community with intervals of verbal communication in the classroom throughout the year.

Which Method is Better?
Utilizing technology will give students the ability to communicate freely and often with each other outside of the classroom. Since language arts teachers in this school only have 43 minutes for both reading and writing, it is critical that students complete the majority of the collaborative writing project outside of the classroom. The mobile internet devices will give students the ability to research collaborative writing, take pictures and video of their experiences, post their findings to a blog, communicate with other experimenters through social networking, and present their discoveries to each other through the internet. Utilizing technology will enhance this lesson so that students are really able to use higher order thinking and communication to develop their documentary.

Web Applications (Choice and Use)
Prior to the project, I will create a Ning page and post a hotlist of websites that give information related to collaborative writing. One of the links will be a full copy of “In the Wind” by Jack Collom for students to use as a mentor text. Once students receive their mobile internet devices, they will be able to begin researching collaborative writing, its setbacks and successes by visiting the sites posted on my Ning page. Ning gives teachers the ability to control what is posted and viewed by students and is already used by many teachers across the nation. Students will also use Ning as a social networking tool throughout the year in order to communicate with each other about the collaborative writing project.

Once students have experienced collaborative writing in the classroom, they will be able to go out into the community to experiment with what they have learned. Students will use the GPS to mark where they complete their collaboration. While collaborating with others, students will take pictures of the setting and videos of writing sessions with others in the community. Students will type a reflective piece along with any pieces of writing they created and post to their blog at Blogger users have the ability to connect with other bloggers by “following” them. Students will be able to create a network of collaborative writing blogs that they are able to view at any time during the project. Once they follow a peer’s blog, the information from that blog is shown on their homepage similarly to how it would on an RSS reader. Since they are able to see blog posts from people they follow on their homepage, they don’t necessarily need to even visit their blog to get their news. Students will be able to constantly see the collaborative writing experiences their peers are having.

Once students gain information about their own experiences with collaborative writing as well as other’s experiences, they will be able to discuss their findings through the Ning network. The Ning social networking tool will be utilized for students to make judgments and suggestions pertaining to their experiences. Students will discuss what went well and what did not go well while they collaborated with others in the community. Students will also have the opportunity to have ongoing collaborative writing sessions online.

At the end of the year, students will present their findings by using a selected technology tool. It is important for students to be able to choose how they create their presentation based on the information found. Therefore, throughout the year, I will hold after school sessions to teach students different ways to present their findings (podcast, online presentation, webpage, etc.). Students will also have the ability to choose any technology tool to present their findings as long as it is approved by the teacher.

Why not this Application?
The applications used for the collaborative writing project are based on my own familiarity as well as the popularity of the tool’s educational use. However, virtually any social networking and blogging site can be used as long as it is approved by the district and gives students web-security. In the past, I have found that the district uses its own technology applications based on the importance of separating student information from individuals not affiliated with the school. It is important that students do not use sites such as MySpace and Facebook because many students use these sites outside of school for social purposes. The technology tools that we choose for this project should be proven effective in educational settings.


  1. Hi Carrie!
    Your use of the MID is unique. The section "Outcomes Without Technology" makes such a stark difference between the two methods of learning. It is so dynamically different. I don't see how students couldn't learn more using your technology method. You are also right when you mention that teachers fear behavior problems when they allow collaborative writing. The benefits do out-weigh the negatives. I found if the kids are engaged in the subject, negative behaviors cease. Thanks for sharing your post!

  2. Great idea Carrie, I have also recently been experimenting with different applications to serve as a type of portfolio to showcase work done over a long period of time. I believe that this is an excellent use of technology.

  3. Hi Carrie!

    I like how you really focused on defining and explaining a PBI in the beginning of your paper. It really sets the scene for just how vital the technology will play in the outcome of your project. I also agree with golenny's comment about discussing the "Outcomes without Technology" and felt that it would be very persuasive and beneficial had this type of project been proposed to a district that would have to actually pay for the technology this project requires.
